Update: Trail Yield Practices

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In 2017 UROC installed sign badges on certain trails throughout the Cumberland trail network that indicated required or recommended direction of travel. The goal of installing these sign badges was to help maintain safety and enjoyment for all trail users without unduly limiting route options. However, since installation, we have received useful and constructive feedback from community members and other user groups on the initiative.

Winter Trail Use

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As the days grow longer, and the snowline begins to creep up the mountain, we’re all itching to get out on the trails.  While we are fortunate to live where we do – which often enables use of our trails 12 months a year – trail use in the wet months requires special consideration. Our goal is to not tell you not to use the trails, but is instead to provide you with information so that you can make an informed decision on what and when to ride/run/hike.