Gravity Nines, Membership meet & greet and its nearly a new trail day.

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It is that time to let off the brakes and let it all out on the trails, and if you want to be in the draw to win a Gold Ski Seasons Pass then sign up right now for the Gravity Nines.

Gravity Nines ‘22 is all about riding downhill on some of Cumberland’s leading gravity trails in partnership with Trailforks. You have nine descents and 21 days to achieve in total, if you ride all nine lines you will collect the Gravity Nines trail forks badges and be in the draw to win a 2022-23 Winter Gold Ski Season pass from Mount Washington alpine resort. The rides must take place between October 1st and 21st.

The ‘9 in ONE’ has become a thing! 

For all you crazy’s who like punishment, if you ride all 9 gravity descents in ONE DAY, you’ll be entered to win additional draw prizes from Mount Washington Alpine Resort. Including the 9 decent lines and climbing trails in this badge criteria, there are 13 trails that must be completed in a single ride on the same day to qualify. The ride must take place between October 1st and 21st. 

Record your epic adventure in an Instagram story or in images and be sure to tag your story or images with @unitedridersofcumberland and #mymw.

The Gravity 9’s descents are: 

1. Bear Buns / Broadway
2. Bucket of Blood (from the top of BBC)
3. Roughneck / Lower Roughneck
4. Lost Wood / Blockhead
5. NumbSkulls / Gravity
6. Chunder
7. Cupcake
8. Bakers Dozen
9. Knuckers

Enjoy the ride! This is not a race. Ride within your limits. 

Other Events in the Cumberland network are scheduled for:

Gravity Nines & 9 in 1: Cumberland trails – October 1st to October 21st
Perserverance Trail Run: Cumberland trails – Oct 30th 
Fred Bigelow 100km challenge: Comox Valley – The Month of November

Members night meet and greet

On Oct 13th at the Masonic hall in Cumberland we are having a meet and greet shared with a cheeky barrel of beer for UROC membership. 8pm till 10pm. 

Come and meet the trail builders, the trail crew, the UROC board of directors and staff and talk bikes, trails, forests and what the future holds for our beloved trail network. You can pick up some  UROC swag and munch on some light snacks. 

No need to make a reservation, you must be a UROC member and we look forward to seeing you on the 13th Oct, between 8pm – 10pm… we suggest you get there on time to make sure the keg is still pouring! 

Cumberland Masonic Hall, 2687 Dunsmuir Avenue

Not quite, but nearly! 

The next phase of the Vanilla build is almost ready although it’s not open yet, but its not far away! The trail is called Funky Vanilla and is on Mosaic Forestry land that runs alongside Lower Climax completing the connection between New Vanilla & Vanilla Climb. This makes for a total Vanilla experience of 4.7km of fun flow and good times. When you add Blue Print and Hunky Dory to the mix it’s nearly 7 km long and has you on Blue Square trails all the way to the fringes of the network. The New Vanilla and Funky Vanilla trails are projects that have been supported by 4VI Tourism Vancouver Island and brought together by the local trail builders and UROC.

As with any incomplete trail build, we ask users to please stay off the new works until the builders have finished their magic. Watch the UROC YoutubeFacebook, and Instagram to find out about the trail day opening.