Forestry operations complete for the summer

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We’re delighted to let you know that all forestry operations in the Cumberland trail network area are complete for the summer. This is the hauling operations on the Davis Lake Main and the tree harvesting and hauling around the Allen Lake area and the Trent Main effecting trails such as Steam Donkey, Slick Rock, That Dam Trail and the lower sections of the original Vanilla trail. 

All operations are complete for the summer period and trail users are all clear to enjoy the trails at any time or day of the week in those areas. 

The effect on the trails have been minimal and you’ll find trails in the area mostly untouched and in good condition. Road building has taken away some sections of trail and one or two new road crossings now exist on Slick Rock, 42nd street, Steam Donkey and Vanilla. Trail crew and volunteer days have been active repairing any sections of effected trails and apart from Steam Donkey the trails are in great shape.

Thank you to Mosaic Forest Management for keeping us informed of all operations and trail closures and thank you to Fall River Logging for conducting operations without any safety concerns to trail users.