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Cumberland Trails: Special Public Bulletin

The United Riders of Cumberland and The Village of Cumberland, together with Mosaic Forest Management and Hancock Forest Management, are issuing a Special Public Trail Bulletin due to the escalating wildfire risks around the Village.  This bulletin is effective immediately and until further notice. 

At issue is the forecasted hot and dry weather conditions over the August long weekend and beyond, with no significant precipitation in the forecast.  With wildfire danger ratings at local stations already at Extreme, all users of the Cumberland trails are asked to be extra cautious and vigilant while recreating in the trail system.

July 29th marks the 43rd consecutive day with no rain for most of the southern weather stations in the Coastal Wildfire Centre.  This persistent lack of rain is causing our natural areas to dry out, and the probability of ignition and the rate at which a fire could spread have greatly increased.  The late June and early July heat dome, which saw temperatures reach 40o C, amplified these issues and the forests are in extreme drought and stress as a result.

The Coastal Fire Centre has maintained initial attack response to all reported fires but should fires begin to grow beyond initial attack capacity, response will be increasingly concentrated on fires where life and property are at risk, and to the protection of critical infrastructure.

UROC and The Village, together with Mosaic and Hancock, continue to monitor the situation and plan to re-assess potential public trail access restrictions in early August.  Any updates in this regard will be announced on Village and UROC online channels and at main trailheads. 

Trail users are also reminded that current trail conditions are loose, dry, and dusty, adding additional hazards to the trails.  Due to these factors, the hot weather forecasted, and the related extreme fire risk, all recreational users of the Cumberland Trails are requested to be extra prepared and cautious at this time.  

At the order of the Village Fire Chief, a smoking ban is in effect for all Village parks and trails, in addition to the Village participating in the province-wide campfire ban.  In response to the escalated wildfire risk the Village’s Fire Department, Mosaic Forest Management and Hancock Forest Management are carrying out additional wildfire lookout patrols.

Report all smoke and wildfire observations by calling *5555 on a cellphone or 1-800-663-5555