12 Hours of Cumberland 2018

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Please join us for the annual THC. Teams of 1, 2 or 4 men, women or co-ed may race the ~7 km course through the Cumberland forest. Team or individual with the most laps in 12 hours wins. We will have our famous UROC BBQ going all day, as well as sweet prizes, music, activities for the kids and an awesome race course.

Harvesting Operations & Trail Closure Notice

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April 25, 2018 – Hancock Forest Management has given notification that road construction activities, including blasting and falling, will begin on Thursday April 26 in the Upper Davis Lake/Lookout area. The trails affected are Lower Queso Grande, Stub, and Pity the Fool.  Please avoid these areas and respect all signage. The road construction activities are anticipated to occur for 6 weeks. A public notice will be sent out when construction is completed. Please also be aware of increased industrial traffic along the Davis Lake Main during operations.

Climbing trail will be added to the Cumberland trail network

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Cumberland, BC – The United Riders of Cumberland (UROC) will be working towards the addition of a non-motorized climbing trail approximately 4km long that will allow users to access the upper part of the trail network without having to travel on resource roads. The network’s popularity with both local trail users and visitors continues to grow, with an estimated 100,000 trail visits in 2017.